-UPDATE- Ruphand 0.3.7-P1 is live!
Good morning!
It's taken longer than expected to be sure, but at last, Update 0.3.7-P1 is out! This update brings the My Mix system with it, among some other minor fixes.
EDIT AS OF 12:12 PM: A hotfix has been released that fixes some of the initial bugs with the update.
EDIT AS OF 9:26 PM: A hotfix has been released that fixes another initial bug with the update.
EDIT AS OF 6/18, 1:05 PM: A hotfix has been released that fixes one more initial bug with the update.
AS OF 6/18, 6:40 PM: A hotfix has been released that fixes what I'm fairly confident is the last major bug with the update.
- The My Mix system has been added! Brill can now create custom potions at any potion lab after completing the Main Story quest "Look It Up".
- Potion labs include a desk in the Royal Library, Brill's work table at the Orvas Potion Shop, the Potion Lab upstairs in Arkenvali Academy, the Alchemist's workshop in Evrandel Royal Castle, the Alchemist's lab in the Aerialite Caverns (after the Alchemist trusts Brill enough to let her use it), and a certain late-game treasure room.
- Research yields have now been added to enemies, which Brill can use to create Mixes. Stronger enemies will generally yield more Research. (The Challenge Tower's enemies don't give out any Research... though 0.3.7-P2 might make Tower Points useful in that regard!
- Brill will gain 100 starter research in each of the six categories (Natural, Mystical, Offensive, Defensive, Energy and Matter), and players of pre-existing files will gain bonus research for key parts of the Main Story completed when the interface is entered for the first time (to help them make up for the research that they didn't gain in the previous update).
- Some Modifiers (like Extra Element and Multi Target) are unlocked from the word "go", while others require certain items to be found. For instance, Split Strike can only be added to a Mix once Brill has learned the recipe for a multi-hit attack potion, and Guardbreaking requires a certain item that allows Brill to lower a foe's Block.
- Fifth Round (as of Tuesday, June 18, 6:40 PM): Brill found some anachronistic post-it notes to go with her anachronistic manila files, so she should now remember to remove the Damage (and Potency, if necessary) multipliers when removing Extra Element/Second Status from a Mix.
- Fourth Round (as of Tuesday, June 18, 1:05 PM): Brill picked up some possibly anachronistic manila files to sort her notes into, so the Windup research cost multiplier should no longer be way too high under certain conditions after checking ingredients.
- Third Round (as of Sunday, June 16, 9:20 PM): Brill sorted out her notes, so the 50-HP Blessing Modifier, which requires 300 Defensive Research, should now no longer check for Matter Research.
- Second Round (added as of 12:12 PM): Several bugs with the initial update have been patched out.
- Canceling a My Mix will no longer get Brill stuck in the corner of the Earth Cave stairs map. Any players that are presently stuck in this wall should be able to get out and return to where they were.
- Enemy research drops should now actually affect the research totals.
- Multi Target should affect the amount of ingredients of a low-damage Mix, rather than the ID of that ingredient.
- Trying to add a modifier that costs more than Brill can afford to spend should now properly clear the "costs too much" tag, so that Brill can add modifiers that don't cost too much. Resetting the My Mix screen will also clear this tag, just in case.
- To maintain their usefulness, some Status Potions have been buffed.
- Super Snow Bottle: Now has 30% Windup instead of 50%. That was absolutely glacial.
- Tidal Bomb: Now has a -4 Soften effect.
- Super Tidal Bomb: Now has a -12 Soften effect (putting it 2 points above the highest a My Mix can get).
- Blocking now displays the user's effective Block Strength on the Block icon. This should make Block's mechanics a bit more clear!
- If Brill hasn't read any of the "Let's Learn Our Elements" bookshelves in the Hidden Library, she'll turn towards them one time when approaching the first enemy in the room. (This only happens once; it's mostly there to call attention to those bookshelves.)
- A minor passability issue has been fixed in the Fae Hedge. The bridges have been reprimanded and should no longer flout the laws of gravity.
Next on my list (in 0.3.7 P2), I'll be adding to the Challenge Tower; a "Hard Mode" that unlocks after the Skyward Sanctum is planned, as well as at least one unique challenge separate from that.
Get Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure
Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure
Follow Brill Yance, an apothecary from a small-town potion shop. Choose actions carefully in a tick-based battle system!
Status | In development |
Author | DoctorSpacebar |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | alchemist, Crafting, Female Protagonist, JRPG, RPG Maker |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Color-blind friendly |
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When making My Mix, are all the different elements supposed to ask for different Research for their Windups and Delays, and adding an additional element
Fire wants Mystical and Offensive for its Windup, while needing Natural and Defensive for its Delay...
Earth, Ice and Wind wants Defensive for both types... and Water and Thunder both are Offense Windup, Defense Delay...
This makes planning new mixes a bit tough given the sorta diverse requirements, but having enough research would make it viable? I also dunno how much research bosses give, anyway.
Yep, the different elements ask for different types of research. I specifically remember that Fire, Water and Thunder want Offensive as a secondary research for Windup, while Earth, Wind and Ice want Defensive as a secondary for Windup, with all of them using Offensive for damage (because it's damage) and Defensive for delay (because getting ready faster after it helps you defend against the next attack).
Thanks for confirming! Cool theming!
Somehow the Multiplier isn't being removed. I'll give that a closer look and release a patch ASAP.
Looked for a good source of Research, and Kurdan the Red's crew does give out Research, so that's good! Cool that their dialogue changes with the plot!

Uh, Hidden Forgemaster shouldn't let Brill craft her Mixes, should he?
Bug? Walking on to this tile from the sides and looking down doesn't trigger the encounter I want.
Ah, the code doesn't check if it's the Hidden Forgemaster.
That's not intended, but it's also not a big deal since it doesn't affect the recipes at all. I'll probably get that with the next patch.
Thanks! Just found another issue with the Phantoms, maybe. Just made an edit for it. Also, I can't quite tell yet, but do they give variable types of research? Not always fully Offensive?

EDIT: Oh, no. It's just the enemy composition is randomized, they're not always the same! Cool!
Have a good day! ... Woah, I can find better quantities of Levinite, in threes, in the Moorage than in the ones from Grand Ring Bay?! WOW! Yay! ... Lol that Ice Drake~!
Invisible Soda Keg:
Why can't I walk in here, but can in into the sides??
The Invisible Soda Keg and bizarre force-field-projecting tarp are easy fixes. They'll ship with the next patch.
I missed the Phantom bug from earlier. Looks like it currently doesn't detect it if Brill doesn't actually move. While this is an edge case, it would be good to get this working, so I could probably put the event on the Phantom itself.
EDIT: Yeah, that was easy. It'll ship with the next patch!
Oh no. I gave Brill brain freeze.

Something about the Blessing 50 doesn't subtract Defensive 300 right. If you have less than 300 and try to add Blessing 50, it works, but then interact with something that needs Brill to recalculate Defensive again, Brill freezes.
Nevermind. I didn't realize that Second Element + Second Status would mean the "Second Status that matches the already chosen Second Element" and would give 2 modifier icons.
But should the ingredients for Ice then Fire, be different from Fire, then Ice? I guess it makes it slightly better that you can have basically substitutions. Makes sense logistichemically.
Heh. Wind too powerful. Needs 2 Feathers and 2 Sun Shards instead of 1 of stuff like the other elements.
Weird. 25% 35% Wind 0 Damage is 2 Feathers and 1 Shard.
Reduced Materials cost: 25% 35% Wind 0 Damage, Guardbreak, Bless 10, Flashy, Trigger... Seems like Gleam Sand for Flashy removes the Strange Material requirement. huh. ... Yep, some 4 Ingredient limit. Huh.
I don't know HOW that event ended up checking Matter rather than Defensive, but it did. Thankfully an easy fix.
There is basically a limit of two ingredient "types" that can be added by Modifiers.
Going to try and refine replication. This order might be the shortest one that works.
BUG: Somehow got Windup changes to cost involve ~9999 Research just for 10% change, and removing the modifiers after doing it doesn't cause prices to revert.
1. [Fire / Wind] 100
2. Split Strike
3. MultiTarget
4. Trigger
5. 50 or 10 Bless
6. Check Formula Ingredients
7. 5 Status
[Windup Speed Changes should involve crazy amounts of research]
Ooh, so Research counts beyond 4 digits, it just doesn't show.
Ok! ... So, a faster Wind Potion actually costing less ingredients to mix, compared to the cheapest one to research, is intended / a fun math effect? Sorry if I wasn't clear on this:
0 Damage Wind 35% 35% needs 2 Feathers and 2 Sun Shards
0 Damage Wind 25% 35% needs 2 Feathers and 1 Sun Shard.
EDIT: Ingredients don't add right: 100 Damage Wind 35% 25% Fire, Multi-Target, Guard Break, Flashy has two Wonder Cell entries, at the beginning and at the end, in its Ingredient Summary during Mix Finalization and final recipe list. At least the ingredients subtract right when crafting. But it can be made with just 2 even though otherwise it eats 3 cells. mmm.
Same with Earth + Ice and Steelfrost. Cool link of the elements! Goodnight-ish! good luck!
30 Damage [Element] has a 2x Primary Ingredient duplication in the requirements?
Gosh, Guardbreak + Split Strike is so much more expensive in Strange Material. They cost 1 SM when alone, but together they cost 4. Adding Unavoidable's interesting. It's always 1 SM. Never costs more to add.
Oh boy, looks like something's setting game variable 239 way too high. That's be the Windup multiplier, which is used to calculate the amount that certain Modifiers affect Windup. It should not be in the 100s. I'll look through and figure out where it's being set.
EDIT: Found it! Should have a fix out in a bit.
I specifically made Guardbreak + Split Strike more expensive because of how strong their synergy is. It's the same trick Hedge Knights have, but a Split Strike Mix can have 50 damage per hit and an element attached to it.
Good luck!
Yeah, I see now. Breaking the guard to let the second strike from Split get more damage in. Which is good against Thunder Immune things since you can't use Block Buster to replace Guard Break in that case.
Tons of things to think about if I were a heavy Mixer / Potion thrower. *Do I Bust the Block or Break the Block... Decisions, decisions* (ᗒ ᗨᗕ)
Not bug:
Three Sisters shop having the element symbols in miniature! Cool!
Fairy Rings don't lead to an easily accessible Mix station? or I'm missing one, or I'm wanting it to be too easy! The Aeric Ruins alchemist station doesn't work as a Mix station? "less robust" mmm.
BIG BUG: Winning Research from Battle doesn't work? I fought the Sample Bandits and ended up with 0 Research for everything but Energy when I checked in the Cave.
EDIT: Cancelling the Cave Mixer landed me Out of Bounds in Earth Cave Entrance / Exit, in front of the Sample Trigger. And now I'm stuck.
Maybe should do a check when Mixing to make sure there's enough Research to do anything? Well, technically 0 Damage Element potions cost 0 research.
What's enemy 289?
Downloaded the update when it popped up in my feed! Yay! 1650 Researches up front for my save!
My Mix Bugs:
0 Research effects like trying to Split Strike a 0 Status Duration potion gives a cost of 0 Energy Research, but Brill says "Shoot, I need more research for that." ... EDIT: Although, that's only for Earth damage maybe?
UNLESS I try to change my Damage, even setting to 0 when it was 0 the first time, then I can Split Strike with 0 research
Other 0 Research Effects are: Trying to add a second element to a 0 Damage potion.
Mix Name Bug or a Me bug: Using the second Page in the naming screen gives a few question marks and tons of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specials_(Unicode_block)#Replacement_character
Can't cancel name box.
Can add a second "extra Element and status effect" to the formula. Not sure if that does anything. Has no element Symbol, just the Add Element symbol.
Multi Target cost lists Defensive twice?
Huh, adding Multi-Target changes ingredient requirements, replacing a Sun Shard with Undergravel. I wonder why.
Shoot, I knew a few would slip through.
The cancel button taking you to the wrong place is an incorrect variable assignment. This will be fixed, and if you're still in the Earth Cave Stair, you'll be warped back to where you're supposed to be.
The lack of research drops was due to a variable name in the wrong place, likely moved when adding something else in. This will be corrected with the next patch.
The Unicode characters are a "bug" with the name entry screen; they're placeholders I didn't get around to replacing yet.
Undergravel is likely an incorrect variable assignment. Gonna look through it and the others and get back to you ASAP.
Enemy 289 is likely one of the new ones that'll be added in 0.3.7-P2.
Multi Target listing Defensive twice is likely due to some Elements using Defensive research for both Windup and Delay. I'll adjust that later. Right now, I'm still trying to reproduce the Split Strike 0 research bug. What conditions does it occur under?
AHA. Found the problem, the "is research valid" check was looking at the wrong variable. I'll have that fixed up.
No, wait, I still haven't found it. Going to keep looking.
I was jumping to a label before assigning a variable! I'll make sure THAT is dealt with thoroughly, and then have a bugfix out.
Thankfully I didn't save when out of bounds! Have a good game making!
Edit: Saw up to Edit 4.
Got the hotfix, bugs seem fixed now.