-UPDATE- Ruphand 0.3.6 is live!
Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure » Devlog
Good morning!
It's been just under a year, and I'm so sorry that it took this long. However, after several bugfixes, two different game jams, and enough creative blocks to build a five-story building, Update 0.3.6 is finally released!
- Brill's quest continues, with three new dungeons added to the main story! If you've reached the end before, talk to Vantus (he's in the Aeric Ruins) to continue the story from where you left off.
- Mouse movement is now an option! You can turn it on in the menu.
- The Orvas Apothecary now has potions on the sign- you should be able to recognize it quickly.
- The menu sounds have been changed to something less loud. Let me know what you think of them!
- Some text descriptions and smaller functionality issues have been fixed. (For instance, Reflect Earth will no longer claim it doesn't reflect Earth.) It's been a long enough development cycle that I forgot all of the minor fixes I made, but if there's any in particular you're thinking of, let me know and I'll give the files a look.
- HOTFIX: Regen Rings should no longer cause the game to crash.
- HOTFIX 2: Some tiles in the new areas that shouldn't be passable are no longer passable. (HOTFIX 4: Tiles that should be passable that were made impassable by this fix were now made passable again, and have been given a stern reprimand.)
- HOTFIX 2: Certain early enemies in a new area now should not attack Brill while she is standing on the hedges.
- HOTFIX 3: A certain warp is now correctly locked until the point it should be unlocked.
- HOTFIX 3: The Credits should no longer be available earlier than intended.
- HOTFIX 5: A certain boss's key gimmick should now be present in his fight. (HOTFIX 5.5: Said gimmick is no longer absurdly overtuned.)
- HOTFIX 5: A few NPCs' appearance flags have been added, so now they shouldn't appear too early.
- I'll be keeping an eye on this page. (And the others. I'm ashamed to admit I left a comment on RPG Maker Net unanswered for just shy of four months. I doubt that'll happen again, don't worry.) Fixing any bugs that arise will be top priority. I'll also be planning out Update 0.3.7.
- Speaking of which: Update 0.3.7 will likely come in "parts" (I learned my lesson from 0.3.6) and will feature quite a few additions to "finish up" Chapter 3:
- Sampling is due for a rework which, ideally, will give players more of a reason to get in battles with things they've fought before. I'm also planning to add a skill I wanted from the start: Spot Mix, which will allow Brill to mix a potion mid-battle (albeit at some risk).
- I've also got a new sidequest planned for 0.3.7, as well as adding access to new parts of an existing town.
- Finally, there's the Challenge Tower- it's going to be getting a new Hard Challenge that will open up right at the end of the main story.
- Update 0.4.1 will continue the main story, but only after 0.3.7 is fully released.
Ruphand 0.3.6.zip 528 MB
Feb 17, 2024
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Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure
Follow Brill Yance, an apothecary from a small-town potion shop. Choose actions carefully in a tick-based battle system!
Status | In development |
Author | DoctorSpacebar |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | alchemist, Crafting, Female Protagonist, JRPG, RPG Maker |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Color-blind friendly |
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Starting a new thread because both new area and the previous one was getting long.
Only managed to make it up here once, somehow. I think it might have something to do with the invincibility frame from defeating the blue flame, fading out while on the location trigger, but given how hard that is to time, it's just a guess and stuff.
And found the Sky Boss. Hmm. Can take down ~300 HP, but need better healing... for Vantus... Full Attack Build on Brill. Just keep Vantus up and Defend-Attacking.
I really suck at healing optimization. Need to figure out the clothes to wear. ... I could've kept going?
Seems Sky Boss can't get the drop on me at the edge of the detection zone.
Ooh, pretty art!
Ah, I knew I forgot something. Once I get a free moment, I'll make sure the ledge jump events have direction checks (and block the player from walking up on the wall on the second floor) and patch the game with that.
Thanks! Found out what was going on with the Fireplace Talking Ninja repeat all those patches ago:
Trying to Sample in the Ninja Inn gives the same dialogue as talking to the ninja sitting at a table near the fireplace!
Ah, whoops. Looks like the event link got mixed up.
Ideally, the Sample rework will put an end to issues like that altogether. It should be an easy fix for the next patch, though.

Internal Targetting. Doesn't fire, and only happened when coming down this time. Do you need a save before I stepped down?
And here...
More air walking, especially important because I can bypass the barrier this way... Healing enemies are so annoying! HA! Well, gotta follow the guided path.
Lucked into the Ring by accident! It was hard to see in the dark! Cool use of Leylines!
Time Phaser:

Killed General, artillery stopped, until I stepped here:
Bad Walk:
Hollow General's Lifetaker seems to have a damage range, not dealing a constant amount? I don't think it's from the Shield Generator?
And the Guard Alicorn fight message events don't disable themselves after the fight's over.
All right, should have a patch out soon. Thank you for finding all of this.
EDIT: The Breachers on that central platform will keep firing until they're taken down. They shouldn't be too much trouble, though.
Just tried to interact with the hedge. And it seems whatever's supposed to happen is unavoidable, even if I just walk around, it happens.
Huh, this guy's a lot different compared to the other Guardians who all seemed to be immortal or at least long-lived? Eidolon, Dragon, Golem... But not him, instead, it's a family business. and clear with their Earthly Desires! Heh.
Dryads are classically hawt~!
Fairy Rings and Fae places!~ More places than just Creation and the Void! Nice!
Oh boy. Looks like it's a problem with our new friend's gear. I swear it wasn't there before! Let me look at this a little more.EDIT: Well, shoot. Bumpy Road broke Regen Rings, and guess who's got one? Fortunately, this is a simple fix; I'll have a hotfix out ASAP.
EDIT 2: Fixed! I'll update the post to reflect this.
Woah, Roving Rats can speak! ... But how do I get past them?? Oh, I have to backtrack and raft somewhere, it seems.
Fairy Girl's rats do double-word speak! How interesting. That's IIRC the second time I've seen rats do that? Is that a reference to something? First time was https://www.amazon.ca/Arrival-Humorous-Isekai-LitRPG-Terminate/dp/1039443842/ref...
And one of the rats even mentions it! Wow!
Good talk after getting to the Web!
ROFL Hedge Keeper Convo 2 - Pretty stars!!!
Huh, the HK's Secret Place! Cool! ... Can't save while inside though?
HK 2 fight is pretty easy. Double Time, Guardian's Strike all the time, except for when I get beamed. Done? Vantus being unable to Antidote himself is a slight issue. Forgot about Anti-all, and made it back in the end! Nice! ... Fairleaf Laurel! Sweet! Lucky 7!
Stopping now, don't feel like retooling Brill to smash the Shooting Stars with her own astral powers just yet... But I can just run...
But not from the Ponderites... Probably shouldn't be able to go here?

I was afraid of the Hedge Keeper 1, but I have enough elemental resistance not to worry, just needed the right equips on? Or just that Snag Attack is really powerful!
Invulnerability Frames don't seem to work perfectly. Got trapped between 2 enemies due to opening up a chest, and couldn't just fight 1 then invincibility to flee from the other. Had to fight both.
Thanks! Now I can move and fight! Just patched the Data and JS folders inside WWW, because it was faster, but upon fighting while on the raft, then leaving the raft, the Hedge Background music isn't playing?
It seems like it's because the battle ending makes the Hedge music play while on the raft after the battle ends, then when I get off the raft, the music changes, but it can't change to Hedge because it's already Hedge or something,
Probably shouldn't be able to disembark to this spot, since I can't move anywhere except back on the raft.
Really sure I shouldn't be able to walk here, and not sure top-most enemy should be there either.
Aren't enemies not supposed to climb up on the hedges and fight me? I picked up the first Clover chest while on the hedge then an enemy attacked me?
Can't go down here?
Woo~! I kept my Bestiary entries and the Clovers! 1 More MP!
On Topiary of the World is slightly too long for the Journal's big quest name display! Woo! Pun!
Lost to the first pair of Balorites:
enrance of > entrance of
Ah, shoot. I can see where most of the issues came from (as usual, missing tile flags or event checks) and they should be an easy fix. As for the sound issues related to the Raft, I'm still not sure where they come from; it seems to have something to do with RPG Maker's implementation, and I might just dig into that as one of the first things I do for 0.3.7. Thanks for bringing all this to my attention!
Yep, the ally you get for round 1 of the Hedge is meant to be pretty tough.
Roving Rats' speech patterns were inspired by the Skaven from Warhammer- though the Roving Rats are significantly friendlier than those guys.
Yeah, Warhammer, Grimdark, etc.
Not sure if Ponderites' ATK x2 stacks with Cursed Coronet's ATK x2... Or do they just multiple all values by 2?
Phoenix Phormula issue still exists where if the whole party's wiped by 1 attack, such as the cannons, then the prompt for it to be used still happens even though it's no use?
The humming plants in the Astral Plains... Is that Nirnroot?
Saving while in the astral waters is sorta weird? Can't save all the time when travelling by raft? Not sure why?
Lol how I can kite mobs back into the cannonless waters and fight there in relative safety! Woo! ... Except for sometimes it doesn't work?
"Out of range" counts as cover! I actually did that exact thing and got fired on in testing, so I made sure it wouldn't happen.
Multiply Both Sides shouldn't stack with regular buffs.
I think saving gets turned off when the cannons are opening fire on you? Let me double-check. In the meantime, I just uploaded a hotfix and I'm gonna go ahead and update the notes.
Woooo! Pre-lunch gaming, here I come!
Game icon disappears when pinned in Taskbar. :( it was cool!
How do I use the Magic Raft again?? I was in Tor Torken so I could describe the light grid, and I can't get back? ... At least the progression cutscene onto the new stuff seems to work. Good thing I had a save in the right place.
Heal Dewey! Nice! ... OH! Torel's Brother! Wow!
The Magic Raft should be R if the controls haven't changed.
I'll give Tor Torken a look in a bit. What floor is the issue occurring on?
Ah, I was thinking of another game, where transformations happen when walking into water. Sorry!
And Using the Raft from the menu doesn't work to put the raft in the water? But R does work.
No issue with Tor Torken, I just was stuck because I couldn't ride the raft. I was just at the tower to check it so I could write the second part of this:
Now watching the Castle Town speech for the second time, with all my stuff!