0.3.5 P2 - Bugfix Patch 6
Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure » Devlog
Good afternoon!
Bugs just keep showing up, but I've squashed a lot of them this time. I'd recommend downloading this one and moving your saves over.
- Certain railings in the Daltah Mines should no longer be walkable.
- Some monsters that were not showing up in the Bestiary should now be properly visible.
- In previous versions, Kurdan the Red kinda forgot about Brill's items. After realizing how ridiculous that is, he will now return them properly after a battle with the Slime Trio.
- Restoration should no longer use up an extra Medal Point when equipped.
- Khid Dinn finally got all his Evocation homework done, so he should no longer have any issue keeping track of notes you've given him after the first time you gave him his notes.
- A few Bestiary entries have been altered to fit the text box, and Yg'Xel's Bestiary Entry should no longer mention a character that wasn't involved in fighting him.
- One of the marching soldiers in Highfort now has different lines.
Ruphand 0.3.5 P2.zip 514 MB
Mar 29, 2023
Get Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure
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Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure
Follow Brill Yance, an apothecary from a small-town potion shop. Choose actions carefully in a tick-based battle system!
Status | In development |
Author | DoctorSpacebar |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | alchemist, Crafting, Female Protagonist, JRPG, RPG Maker |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Color-blind friendly |
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EDIT: Probably more of an issue: I can't command Aida to use Revive if Brill's not KO'd or something?

Not sure why The Cleaner's Poisoned Tonic does Long Number damage, but it did, but now I have Long Number, decimal health, until I heal.
For all that it's a battle between Apothecaries, the only potions I'm contributing, is from Pepperevenge. Heh.
EDIT: X-Tonics are so annoying, but he's really bad at using the Echos. I don't even take him under 1/2 HP before he uses them, wasting the Echoes. Good for me. Less of a slog, even though it still is. EDIT: And not like the echoes are that useful. X-Tonic heals 225. He has 250. Only useful if I somehow manage to deal 200+ damage in one shot, repeatedly.
Heal Buster isn't an issue.
Speaking of Auctions, it seems waiting it out until the last 2 seconds is cheaper than doing anything else? I'm getting stuff for ~1600 at most? If I bet at any other time, I think it'd be more expensive?
Revive only working on KO'd targets is intended.
Brill really getting the most out of her teacher's invention!
Oooooops. Looks like I need to put a Math.floor() in the formula. I've got work in just a bit, but either tonight or tomorrow, I'll go ahead and do another fix patch.
Have a good day at work!

Metal Chest Faike opened up and froze the game while I walked in front of him, doesn't matter if I kick him or not.
Can't use this bridge to leave. Guess I gotta take a Dive by Faike: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15xv9hA2Pox2Nz_3I5W5cRwXYhMZSqQGE/view?usp=shari...
So, I Star Burst 12 and 1 to clear out all but 1 of the Sword Guarding Mimics and none of them noticed me. I guess Star Burst is so unknown that they can't tell it was me?
Mimic Moorage's First Bridge is broken. Walk Left under the first bridge and you just teleport up. But when doing that, the second bridge can't be used. Have to climb the ladder to use the second bridge.
Warded Ballgown's Circle stays around after being picked up?
The last battlers of Medal Bridge have no post-battle dialogue?
Hmm, wanted to give the Powder Keg some Holy Water instead of a Cold Snap. And I also have Tathaln's water.
Gisarmory's Bestiary entry is too long.
Faike's Doors are weeeeird:
And here?
Stayed up a bit late, but I got a Bugfix patch out! Among others, all the issues with Mimic Moorage should be dealt with.
Updated to this version! Thanks!
Underwater Battles don't seem to have Windup or Delays? Also Beserana don't initiate battle until I move?
Do I need De-bane to help the Fire Bane guy? Or can I just use Anti-Fire? I tried to "What else do I have..." but that just ended the options?
I hit Inventory without having anything to Throw and got sooo confused!
Nice job getting rid of Escape, btw. Hmm... You can't get rid of that menu entirely, can you? Or block Escape from leaving the Combat options menu? Well, we're not even in V1, and there are more important things than that bit of the battle menu.

Weird "the.":
I assume you're asleep, so you've just yet to see my previous bug report from last version: https://itch.io/post/7553711
Checking this before I turn in for the night- I was away from my computer for a while.
Removing that previous menu entirely would probably require some more in-depth script edits. It could probably be done, but I'd have to really be careful tracing the menu back to its roots- I don't want to break anything while getting rid of that menu.
On the other hand, the typo's an easy fix. I'll look into those odd visual bugs with the Dragr later, sometimes Immortal states are pretty weird visually.
Played a little with the file you gave me and things seem to be going fine underwater. (Also, this Attack Focus + Cursed Coronet set is pretty crazy. Probably hard to use in a protracted fight, but definitely solid for regular enemies.)
As for the Berserahna group standing on you without initiating a battle, that's an issue that rarely pops up with map encounters set to Above Player/Through. I need to set them to that so they properly "swim" above the reefs and kelp. A fix for the issue would probably be even more in-depth than the Fight/Escape Menu, and the enemy ends up fighting the player anyway, so it might be a while before this one in particular gets fixed.
Oops. Well, at least it usually only takes one round of not mixing anything to realize "Oh, I probably should mix something". Still, I could definitely include a reminder in the Challenge Tower's pre-battle dialog. Maybe I could check to see if Brill has potions prepared.
I Punched and used Aida's crossbow underwater, it seemed like the Windup and Delay bars didn't appear nor exist? They seemed to happen too fast to be delayed?

EDIT: Punched Lead, Words Spilled Over:
I think I get what's happening. Punch and Single Shot are both very quick attacks (5% Windup), and if you were fighting Berserahnas, their attacks are quick too- Bubble Jet in particular is 10% Windup.
The delay's still there- I did some testing with the debug console. The attacks are just coming out before the bars update, too quickly to properly show them until every attack has fired.
EDIT: Ah, geez. That needs an enter, it's supposed to say "in the castle" at the end. That'll be fixed next patch.
Oh. Interesting!
There's some weird logic with finding Defia's Key Stone, being able to detect the illusory tree, with *only* the Gyrphosphinx's advice. No one has told Brill that "the tree beyond the bridge isn't really there"?
And Thunder Resistance doesn't help with the Blue Circles in the Yellow Room. Hmm. ... Oh, Yellow Room has Yellow Damage!
The Gryphosphinx dialogue does mention that "if something's in the way, give it a push"- that's all it really takes to break the illusion. (The other source of info outright says it.)
Unfortunately Thunder resistance doesn't the zap traps, they do a flat 20 damage. However, there is a specific item that negates them, and there's also a way to disable some of them outright.