0.3.5 P2: Meet the Schemer

If your immediate first thought on seeing the title was the jingle from the TF2 "Meet the Team" videos, you are now obligated to download the game.*

Still working on the palace. This screenshot has two characters you've already seen if you've played through the entire main story in the current game, as well as another that's only been mentioned so far (although there are statues of him in Devlog 3).

King Zethes, the current leader of Cloudtop, rose to power before Brill arrived. Here, he's giving his loyal Crimson Knights a task- but to say much else would be treading spoiler territory.

You wouldn't think subtlety is his strong suit by the amount of statues of himself he put up in Devlog 3. But he is a politician, and if there's one thing too many politicians are good at, it's shady business. I could say something about my local zoning board here, but then I'd be going on about them for hours, so I'll just leave you with a question: what could this guy be plotting?

*You are not actually obligated to download the game. (Although it would be nice and I would be very happy.)

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