Screenshot Saturday: 0.3.7 Preview #12!

Good morning!

It's been a busy week, and I wasn't able to get as much done as I'd hoped. There's a lot of planning I still need to do (the amount of Research per enemy, the amount of "starter" research received depending on an existing save file's progression, etc.) and I wasn't able to get enough time to actually do that planning.

However, I did get started on a  pretty important aspect of the new feature: actually accessing it!

Right after Brill unlocks the My Mix feature, she'll be in this room, and I didn't want to force the player to remember to go try My Mix at Genn's shop while also remembering the next place to go in the story. So I put a mini-lab here for Brill to use! That speech bubble will appear in any place where Brill can create a new Mix.

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(2 edits) (+1)

Was looking over item descriptions because I'm making a trope about "similar items, similar descriptions".

Steel Lode talks about "steel ore"... Steel's an alloy. It don't come in ore form. At least on Earth?

EDIT: Then again, it's a very low-key fantastic item! Heh.


...Whoops. How'd that get in there? I played Runescape, I should know how steel works. 

That'll be corrected next patch!


Woo! Royal Library Mini lab! Not just for reading, but also helping some mages with stuff! heh. Given the rest of the facility, it's made for magic!