Screenshot Saturday: 0.3.7 Preview #11!

Good afternoon!

It took some extra work, but I finally have all the modifiers implemented in the new My Mix system! Now all that's left is to put together the description generation and everything else surrounding the system, and the first part of 0.3.7 will be ready to go.

Here's a look at a custom dual-element Mix!

The Air-Fryer took quite a bit of research to make, but this one's got Guardbreaking (lowers block), Split Strike (splits the damage into 2 hits) and a dual Wind/Fire element with added status. This one would be particularly strong later in the game, especially when combined with an Aerial Ignition.

(The only problem is that it would probably overcook your food if you actually used it in place of an air fryer.)


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(2 edits) (+1)

Just putting the comment on the latest update... I forget if Enemy 135's area is supposed to not have any background music? Well, somehow I can't tell if it's actually cutting off or fading out.

Good music choice, songs formed of individual beats handle being cut off well, instead of songs with continuous notes?

Ooh, we get Genn's name from other places too! Cool! History!


Yep, music's supposed to fade out there. Makes the room a little more ominous!


"(The only problem is that it would probably overcook your food if you actually used it in place of an air fryer.)"

Guardbreaking is pretty important~! But whether it's better than Block Buster, not sure. Probably don't want both on one potion, now that I think about it. Block Buster wants Block to be up, while Guardbreaking prevents that.


Oh, you got that new Block status working! Sweet! Lol what is Brill doing at 1 HP? Is she using that damage booster, I guess? It's very situational, but when it's used properly it's real fun!