0.3.5 P2 - Bugfix Patch 2
Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure » Devlog
Good afternoon!
I've just now released another patch to 0.3.5 P2 that squashes a few more early bugs. Unlike the last one, there's nothing particularly earth-shattering fixed in this patch, but it still might be helpful to download.
This fixed version has replaced the original 0.3.5 P2 download, much like the previous one five days ago. (If you didn't download that one, definitely download this one because it still contains the same VERY major bugfixes.)
- A glitch in the matrix was rarely causing Brill's Sample ability to not go on cooldown, and the increased workload was stressing her out. This has been patched.
- Challenger Arcane Oozes had almost all their Reflect Element spells right, but accidentally were casting Reflect Wind four times on their opponents. The Jelirol magic shop owner gave them a refresher, and now they properly target their allies with Reflect Wind as they should.
- Brill's dialogue now changes when passing over the Low Road entrances between her first time going into the Low Road and clearing I'll take the Low Road.
- The Journal text for The Dead Tree Grove has been slightly altered to be more helpful.
Ruphand 0.3.5 P2.zip 510 MB
Mar 21, 2023
Get Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure
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Ruphand: An Apothecary's Adventure
Follow Brill Yance, an apothecary from a small-town potion shop. Choose actions carefully in a tick-based battle system!
Status | In development |
Author | DoctorSpacebar |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | alchemist, Crafting, Female Protagonist, JRPG, RPG Maker |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Color-blind friendly |
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Facing the Queen of Diamonds, in a healing cycle to stall for Starburst. My Treats seems to be having some random variation? It's usually 7, but I'm seeing 6s and 8s sometimes?
And the Queen doesn't call her servants if hit with a Star Burst?
Not sure if Earth Gems should be able to block more hits than their HP allows. I Star Burst-ed, and a 11 HP or so Earth Gem manged to Guard against both its own 36 damage, and the 36 that was going to the Queen.
And somehow I've got two Block symbols when blocking with the Tower Shield?
Lastly, hitting Optimize in the equipment menu didn't properly reset my Medal Points? Thankfully, Clear worked.
I was worried about missing out on Medal Points. Nice that the Bestiary for all the Servants are there even if I didn't see them all! ... Also means I'm not needing to change my current loadout just to add Start Burst! Nice name!
Maybe I *can* get another Defense Focus. Just gotta get all the bounties and the Shiny Gems, lol managing to skip all the Shinies. Servant Bestiary is reaching into an Alternate Universe! And Queen was right! Save Scum cheat! heh. ... If I optimized for Fire and picked the right Options, I could've taken down Queen in 2 Fire II-s! 2 lol!
EDIT: Not thinking I'll see too much use out of Verdant, since the Black Knight blocks soo often, would be better to hold for Star Burst and just block until he attacks. Especially with the speed gear I have.
Shoot, Treat somehow got left with that default 20% Variance. That's gonna be another patch later, but for now it's not a HUGE deal.
Star Burst has a lot of weird interactions- it also can't be dodged by most evasion effects! I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this properly, though.
The second Block symbol is the speed boost from your Hasty Hat; I gave all the "On-Block" effects a Block symbol and never really changed them. In the future, I could probably make a special symbol for each one (by which I mean a tiny icon crammed in the corner of a Block icon).
I really should get rid of Optimize. It's a holdover from RPG Maker's defaults, but Ruphand was not designed for it at all as a lot of the gear options at any given moment will be sidegrades rather than upgrades. That'll probably be in the next bugfix patch too. (Clear, of course, can stay.)
Any monster that's "permanently missable"- usually a boss lackey that you're not 100% guaranteed to fight, like the aforementioned Gem Servants- will be automatically added to the Bestiary.
The thing with Guard Down is that it's Instant- it takes only a single tick. If the Black Knight's starting Iron Ball +'s 65% windup, you could quickly Guard Down, throw a Super Pepperflask (or even an elemental Formula if you have Haste items), then duck back behind your shield. Every Drive also raises your Starforce cap by 25, so you can now throw out a bigger Star Burst.
Yay! Cap increased! ... I had the idea that I could get more Starburst now, since Black Knight has more than me, and I was like, "How he do that?", but I abandoned that idea when it wasn't mentioned when I picked up the Verdant Keystone.
How does The Glittering Gauntlet dialogue change if I didn't rescue Arissa / get the Indigo Keystone? Or is that impossible?
It is possible to get the Verdant Keystone before the Indigo Keystone, and dialogue changes accordingly. Basically, it boils down to Brill learning about Star Burst with the first drive. She also won't recognize the gemstones on the walls in the Low Road if she hasn't found a Keystone before.
How does Black Knight's Barrier determine the element to be weak to? I can't tell if him getting two Ice-s or two Thunder-s in a row is just random chance or not?
Going full Defense build at him would work, if I had something to counter his Rock Wall. But in any case, the Laser Lens is basically never the right shield for him.
EDIT: And maybe I shouldn't tab out, since apparently it can stop the graphics from updating. Weird.
Black Knight 2 is very tough for the point he appears at, and you'll need every advantage you can get against him. His Barrier Shift is random, with an equal chance for each element. Packing at least a few potions of each type is a good plan, so you can take advantage of a given weakness if you get the chance.
You can build up status effects even if BK isn't weak to them at the moment, and they'll take effect when they can; if he switches to Ice weakness while he has a 40% Chill, for instance, he'll suddenly have to deal with the effective 60% slowdown from that, and some extra Cold Snap damage if you've hit him with that too. The caveat being, whether he switches to it at all is random, so you'll need a little luck.
He'll also use Twister more often when he's Burned or Softened even if he isn't weak to those elements at the moment.
Rock Wall stacking is a powerful strategy in general; Super Powder of Rock + Molten Iron will give you +18 Defense before any other modifiers, and if you have Stone's Throw, that translates to a solid attack boost too. Just be sure to pack extras as Black Knight can cast Torrent II to chip away at a Rock Wall.
Erosive Phials will break down a Rock Wall even if Black Knight is currently immune to their damage, and have 15%/15% timing to Shaker II's 20%/30%. It'll take two to break the 4-turn wall that Shaker II creates, but timing just one so that it comes out while Black Knight spends a turn on Iron Ball would leave him wide open.
Another option is Catalyst formulas, as the Trigger deals Neutral damage, Catalysts can be stacked whether the foe's Blocking or not, and Catalyzer Focus has no issues since the Black Knight has no Gravity attacks. If you've got a bunch of Jelly Jewels, you can potentially blast him down in one explosion, or get him close enough for a Grav Formula to finish the job.
Finally, there's one available sidequest in particular with a reward that's both generally useful and very strong against the Black Knight's signature Block/Iron Ball combo.
EDIT: Wait, tabbing out can stop the graphics from updating? I've never experienced this issue, where did this happen?
The graphics stop happened when I was facing two Challenger Pharoarchers.
On Black Knight 2:
Well, I seem to be able to consistently get Black Knight 2 to ~100 HP with a 26 Defense build and using single elemental Formulae I and II. If I got better at timing my few level II Formulae, I'd probably be able to win.
So glad I saved the Banes I got from the Orb Guardian drops.
I'd probably like to remember where Jelly Jewels come from, but the Rebel's Helmet might be nicer, and maybe if I actually eat some Defense food. Probably won't be able to find 15 more enemies to wear a 5th Defense focus. heh.
33 Defense while also drinking Regen II. Probably basically totally safe.
It's a solid plan. With 33 Defense, even a maxed out Star Burst will only hit for 52 (or 55 if you've got a Soften from Torrent).
Figured out what's delaying the Journal window updates. There's a "cooldown" variable in the plugin that purposely waits so many ticks before refreshing the window. I lowered that, as it was set to an excessively high value; you should be able to flip through your quests much faster now.
Pharoarchers don't have any special graphical effects that might cause some kind of graphics issue, but I'm not sure what would have caused it, aside from maybe lag on your system. I'll go ahead and release another minor fix in just a bit with the Journal and Winning Streak patched, but I'll also keep an eye out for any issues when tabbing.
These patch notes descriptions are great!
And I only looked at the Dead Tree quest description *after* I saw the tree, but that's a good new description!
I'm having a lotta lag scrolling through the Journal. Takes about a second for the right side to update when I highlight a new Quest.
From last night's notes, stored in an older post because I didn't want to bother you with pings, sorry. Assuming if it's not in the patch notes, it hasn't been fixed.
"Hmm, what governs when a Meteo Soldier will guard an ally? Doesn't seem to happen every battle. I guess they can't guard if they've already decided on their attack?
And finally see the Bandits. While I have 12 Defense. Totally stomping them. ... Now, I can make Imbued Regen Rings. Very cool. But where are Regen Rings?
Endless Challenge Tower records aren't working right? I won 16, then lost to Poisonous Snails and then my second go, lost after 4 to Brain doing something that Defense didn't save me from after being poisoned. But it's saying that my best record is 4?
So, Super Pepperflasks and other Neutral Damage can get past Barrier Shift. :rofl: Just need to make a lot of them."
EDIT: And I can fight the Bandits a second time?? Didn't I complete the quest already? ... Yep, got the Minor Regen Ring. But this seems to be intentional, given the 150 Sil reward.
Maybe the Defender's Rest Investigator should leave after the place has been cleared out? Or does it respawn eventually, hmm?
Are these apples floating? Well, speaking of food, I'll go have breakfast.
I'm not sure what causes the Journal's right window to take so long to update. That's another issue I might look into later.
A Meteo Soldier guards allies that are under 25% HP. A lot of enemies that protect allies will use this threshold if they don't just always protect allies.
You'll find Minor Regen Rings in Orvas or the Challenge Tower, and these can be made into an Imbued version. Regular Regen Rings are sold in a later shop.
Shoot, there's an issue with the winning streak board. For some reason, it sets the variable that stored the winning streak to 0 after viewing it. I think I might have been testing the system, and forgot to remove this line. I'll give the Journal another look later today, then release a fix for that because that could be pretty aggravating.
The detective outside the Defenders' Rest might be keeping an eye open for any more suspects. And if Dill asks, he definitely isn't just doing that to get out of doing all the paperwork, no sir. As for the apples, they're probably just lying on the ground after having fallen off the trees.
Thanks! That all makes sense!
Mmm, I never realized how much I rely on parallax to determine distance, until it's gone. ha!